Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Emergency Contraceptives Most frequently asked Questions Answered. Ipill Step by step working, so that you may not panic.

Ipill and other 72 hour frame contraceptives workings:

1. The earlier you take the pill after intercourse, the more effective it is. Try and use it within 2 -3 hours of sex for about 100% working. Else, it is about 95% effective when taken within 24 hours, 70% effective if taken within 48 hours and about 50% useful if taken within 72 hours.

2. About withdrawal bleeding: Withdrawal bleeding happens in some women, does not happen in others. It usually takes place within 48 hours of taking the Ipill. Most women get bleeding after 1 week or so of taking the Ipill, but that is actually induced menstruation because of Ipill, which confirms that the pill worked.

So if bleeding within 48 hours: withdrawal bleeding. Confirms nothing
Bleeding after a week or 10 days: Induced periods. Confirms that the pill did it's job.

3. Delay in period: The pill does not actually delay the period. The delay in period that people think is actually because they count the days from their previous periods date and not the induced period date. Periods come within one month of induced period.

Last period on September 1.
Had sex on September 15 and took Ipill the same day.
Induced period (most often referred in other sites as withdrawal bleeding) : September 22.
So the next period will be on :October 22- October 24.

People suppose the periods to be on Octuber 1 or september 28, but since the induced period is also a period, so you cant have periods in the projected date from last period.

They  call it a delay because if we count days from September 1 in above example, then there is 22 days delay. Which is actually no delay at all.

4. If periods don't come within 30-35 days of induced period (that is October 24 in above example ), then have a pregnancy test to be confirm.

Hope this post help.

This post is mostly for those who are scared of delayed periods. So, to clarify about the delay, which is not actually a delay.

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