Thursday, October 23, 2014

Pimples: Causes and Solutions

Pimples, something that everyone are a victim of. There might rarely be any people who never had this problem. It usually appears as  a spot or inflammation. which is affected with bacteria and is filled with pus.
Pimples are caused when the sebaceous glands located at the base of hair follicles become overactive; the most vulnerable parts of the body are the face, back, chest and shoulders.

Wondering the CAUSES:
The sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, exist inside the pores of our skin. The outer layers of our skin are being shed continuously. So, it sometimes happens that the dead skin cells are left behind  stuck together by the sticky sebum, causing a blockage in the pore. Pore blockage is more likely to occur during adolescence. More sebum is produced by the sebaceous gland but since the pore is blocked, it accumulates behind the blockage.

This accumulated and blocked sebum has bacteria, including Propionibacterium acnes; this slow-growing bacterium is linked to acne. Propionibacterium acnes generally exists harmlessly on our skin - however, when the conditions are right, it can reproduce more rapidly and become a problem. The bacterium feeds off the sebum and produces a substance that causes an immune response, leading to inflammation of the skin and spots.

The skin of people who are prone to pimples are especially sensitive to normal blood levels of testosterone - a natural hormone found in both males and females. In such people the testosterone can make the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, making the clogging up of dead skin cells more likely, which in turn increases the probability of blocking the pores, etc. But of course, you cannot catch pimples from another person.

It is also believed that pimples are caused by unhealthy diet. Lack of water is also a cause. and in some cases it is inherited too.


  • Whiteheads: These are very small and remain under the skin, appearing as a small, flesh-colored papules. If u squeeze them, white pus appers. But squeezing should be avoided.
  • Blackheads :These are clearly visible, they are black and appear on the surface of the skin. 
  • Papules : these are small, solid, rounded bumps that rise from the skin. The bumps are often pink.
  • Pustules : these are pimples full of pus. They are clearly visible on the surface of the skin. The base is red and the pus is on the top.


   Well it is obviously common. More than 80% of teenagers get pimple. But is found more common in boys. 
   And it is most venerable at the age of 16-19.

   Even your Stars suffer......



  • Washing face twice a day helps to wash off the shedding skin and removes chances of pores being blocked. Face should be washed using a face wash with benzoyl peroxide.
  • Herbal Methods are also there.
  • Never squeeze pop or scratch your pimples. They might work but sometimes you may be pron to getting Infections. They result in severe swelling and you may even require pills.      

  • Water....H2O all the way. Drink a lot of water, it keeps your skin in great condition.
  • Hygiene, its one important thing.
  • You should always remove your make up while sleeping. The chemicals in your product, they result in pimples too.
  • Overexposure to sunlight may sometimes result in the production of more sebum. Some medications used by people with acne may make your skin more prone to sunburn.

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